This week Elaine suggested we used the tangle pattern of "Mooka" as inspiration for our creations.
I admit that I was a little leary of this pattern. I had tried it in the past and wasn't that successful with it. However, this time, once I started I couldn't stop. I didn't plan on doing more than one, but it turned out that way. I'd do a little on one tile, then get another idea, so I'd start another one. Then I'd go back to the first one, do a little, then get another idea...and start another tile....and so it went. I wasn't sure if I was going to finish them all or even present them all, but I figured I might as well. So thanks a lot, Elaine!!! This turned out to be my favourite challenge so far.
Here are all of my "mooka" tiles:
I used only two other patterns besides mooka: tipple and zinger. The first tile I put down on the counter to photograph only to promptly get a coffee stain on it. I tried to fix it in Photoshop Elements...that's why it's a little rough on the upper right. The last tile is my favourite of the bunch. I toyed around with how to present it. Right now it looks upside down to me, but it didn't look right any of the other ways I tried, so I went with upside down. ;)
Be sure to check out the other "Mooka" creations on Books and Quilts. If you'd like to join us, please do so by linking your post to the Mr. Linky on Heather's post.
Great job Marie. Your choices of backgrounds really help to emphasis the mooka. The solid blacks are an excellent choice. Thanks for joining in the fun today.