Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Needlework Tuesday - Slogging Along

Today, I bring you the latest update on my three knitting projects. First up, I've been knitting the right front of my dark rose sweater. It's going okay, but the newness of the project has worn off and I'm getting a little bored with the cables and the project as a whole. Thankfully, I'm almost done the right half of the front.  If I do a sleeve next, it shouldn't be too bad. That'll leave the left front, the collar, the button band and some finishing touches. I think part of the problem is that I'm not feeling 100%. Nothing major, just tired and not looking forward to a cold, snowy winter. Blah.

Anyway, I promised a shot of the finished back:

When I finish the right front, I'll post a photo of it.

I've also been working on a matching hat to the Bernat Boa scarf I completed last week. The knitting is complete. I just have to sew the side seam. I'm not sure what's going on with me and knitting, especially with this hat/scarf set. I'm pretty sure I used this same pattern (the one on the yarn band) when I knit the last hat with this yarn.  However, this hat is a different shape, bigger in some areas, smaller in others.  It could be that the last one has been worn and has stretched out a bit. It's still weird! I'll know more when I try it on.

Here's a shot of it:

The last thing I've been working on is my temperature scarf. I promised that one of the blues would make an appearance. I'm absolutely loving that combination of the dark green and bright-ish blue. You just never know how the different colours are going to look next to each when knitted. As I've said in the past, I'm not going to show the whole scarf now until it's all done. However, here's a snippet from the past few weeks or so:

As you can see I have tons of ends to weave in.  I realize that the colours mean nothing unless you know the temperature ranges. So here are the ones that you can see in the photo:
• Yellow - +14C to +7C
• Light Green - +6C to 0C
• Dark Green - -1C to -8C
• Blue - -9C to -15C

For us, this blue really isn't that cold. I could live and be quite happy if that's the coldest our winters got. However, it's just the beginning. Besides, these blue days weren't at all pleasant. Unfortunately, they were accompanied by strong winds which made it feel more like -30C. Brrr... Thankfully, we've only had a few so far.

I think that's it for this week.

Needlework Tuesday is hosted by Heather over at Books and Quilts


  1. Love the sweater back. I do know what you mean about getting tired with a project. that happens to me more often than I want to admit. your scarf looks great. The only thing I wish I'd changed is that one of my colours spans from -3 C to 3 C. wish I had a change at the freezing point, but I'm not ripping it out now. Yes , I will reveal the mystery scarf location, but not till it's finished. Perhaps you'll guess and not reveal it , but you can email privately . Nothing to give it away at this point.

  2. That looks like a great pattern for a sweater. Nothing too complicated. Hey can you send me the pattern for the hat. I'm always looking for ones that sew up the side seam and that looks like a great one.

    It's awful here weather wise. We have so much snow here already and this week has. Fought freezing temps and wind chills. Yuck!


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