I think I'm on a roll with starting and finishing projects. This week, I finished the latest project from the Mary Maxim's Knit Club of the Month. I'm sure my gauge was off on this one. Last week, I mentioned that the yarn was slipping quite a bit on the plastic needles. I managed to keep all of the stitches in tact, but they were definitely more loosy-goosy that normal. As a result, I didn't quite have enough yarn to finish it as written. That's okay because luckily I recognized that with a 2-3 rows to go and ended it early. The project picture showed a scarf with a fringe, but I didn't like the fringe and definitely wouldn't have added it, so it's all good. The best part is that it's big enough to wear as a small shawl!!!! Like I need another shawl. ;) Here's the finished piece:
After that piece was complete, I started one of the shawls kits I purchased a few weeks ago at my local yarn store. This one is Clapotis from ravelry.com. The pattern is free (!!!) and the shawl is knit on the diagonal. That's hard to see at the moment. It can also be worn as a scarf. Like I need another scarf. ;) Here's what it looks like so far:
The pattern is quite monotonous and filled with "knit through back of loop" (k tbl) stitches. I hope I haven't missed one or ten. It's a dropped stitch kind of thing, so I'm afraid if I have made a mistake somewhere, the whole thing is going to fall apart went I start the dropping part. Fingers crossed!
Last week, I mentioned that my local yarn store had a sidewalk sale with yarns 50% off. Here's what I added to my stash:
The light greenish-goldish donut balls (middle right of the photo) are my favourite. Merino wool/silk mix. So soft, so luxurious, soooooo expensive. Since I didn't have any idea of what I'd make with it, I grabbed all they had of that colour. It's probably enough for several projects. What was I thinking.
With 3 acres of yard to care for, we always have yard work that needs doing, but so far it hasn't interfered with my knitting too much. I hope that trend continues. This week coming week I'm going to continue on the Clapotis shawl.
Needlework Tuesday is hosted by Heather over at Books and Quilts. If you'd done any crafting this week that you'd like to share with others, please head over to Heather's blog and use the Mr. Linky to link up your post, so others can enjoy your creations.