If you find a broken link or one that doesn't go where it should, please let me know. Thanks.
Aames, Avery: The Long Quiche Goodbye
Adams, Alina: Murder on Ice
Adelaide, Debra: The Household Guide to Dying
Adiga, Aravind: Between the Assassinations
Akeroyd, Simon:Get Started Growing Vegetables
Allan, Barbara: Antiques Disposal
Allen, Jeffrey: Popped Off
Allende, Isabel:
America's Test Kitchen: Cook's Country: Best Grilling Recipes
Ang, Tom:
- Digital Photography Through the Year
- Digital Photographer's Handbook
- How to Photograph Absolutely Everything
Bain, Donald (with Jessica Fletcher):
Ballantyne, Lisa: The Guilty One
Balzo, Sandra:
Barber, Kimiko (with Hiroki Takemura): Sushi: Taste and Technique
Barclay, Linwood:
Barry, Brunonia: The Map of True Places
Batista, Paul: Extraordinary Rendition
Battles, Brett: The Silenced
Beecroft, Simon:
Bell, James Scott: Try Fear
Benison, C.C.:
Blashford-Snell, Victoria (with Eric Treuille): Hors d'Oeuvres
Borodale, Jane: The Book of Fires
Bradley, Alan:
- A Red Herring Without Mustard (Flavia #3)
- I am Half-Sick of Shadows (Flavia #4)
- Speaking From Among the Bones (Flavia #5)
- The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches (Flavia #6)
- The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (Flavia #1)
- The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag (Flavia #2)
Brashares, Ann: My Name is Memory
Braun, Lilian Jackson: The Cat Who Had 14 Tails
Brenner, Maya: Beaded Jewelry
Brightwell, Emily: Mrs. Jeffries Holds the Trump
Brookner, Anita: Strangers
Buchanan, Cathy Marie:
Burnard, Bonnie:Suddenly
Burton, Bonnie: You Can Draw: Star Wars
Burton, Mary: The Seventh Victim
Buxbaum, Julie: The Opposite of Love
Byron, Ellen: Plantation Shudders
Cain, Sarah: The 8th Circle
Caldwell, Ian: The Fifth Gospel
Carlin, George (with Tony Hendra): Last Words
Carson, Lori: The Original 1982
Carter, Chris:
Carter, Philip: Altar of Bones
Cassel, Julian (with Peter Parham and Jon Eakes): Do It Yourself
Cavender, Chris: Rest in Pizza
Clark, Marcia: Guilt by Degrees
Clark, Mary Jane:
Cleave, Chris: Little Bee
Cohen, Tish: The Truth About Delilah Blue
Collins, Suzanne: The Hunger Games
Conklin, Tara: The House Girl
Connelly, Michael:
Cooper, Glenn:
Crawford, Isis: A Catered St Patrick's Day
Crymble, Lynn: It Can Happen to You
Cullen, Dave: Columbine
Daniels, Robert: Once Shadows Fall
Davys, Tim: Tourquai
de los Santos, Marisa: Belong to Me
Degeneres, Ellen: Seriously...I'm Kidding
Depp, Daniel: Loser's Town
Diamant, Anita: Day After Night
Diamond, Elizabeth: An Accidental Light
DK Publishing:
- The Big Idea Science Book
- Big Questions
- Birds of Western Canada
- Canadian Gardener's Guide
- Children's Book of Art
- Children's Book of Music
- Complete Painting and Drawing Handbook
- Craft Techniques and Projects
- Crochet: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide
- Danger!
- Doodlepedia
- Energizing Workout
- Energy Bites
- Essential Back Care
- Garden Design
- Great Canadian Plant Guide
- Smithsonian: Great Design
- Grow Plants in Pots
- Home Herbal
- Ideas That Changed the World
- Look Now
- Natural History
- Optical Illusions
- Smithsonian: Timelines of Science
- The Complete Classical Music Guide
- The Complete Running & Marathon Book
- The History Book
- The Human Body Coloring Book
- The Illustrated Cook's Book of Ingredients
- This Book Made Me Do It
Donoghue, Emma: Room
Dowsett, Elizabeth (with Shari Last): Star Wars: Mysteries of the Jedi
Eckstut, Arielle (and David Henry Sterry): The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published
Edwards, Kim: The Lake of Dreams
Farndon, John: Do Not Open
Faye, Lyndsay: The Gods of Gotham
Fei, Deanna: A Thread of Sky
Feinstein, Harold: One Hundred Butterflies
Ferreras, Alberto: B as in Beauty
Fforde, Jasper: Shades of Grey
Finkleman, Ken: Noah's Turn
Finn, Alan (Todd Ritter): Things Half in Shadow
Fitzpatrick, Joe: Strictly Sundays
Flagg, Fannie:
Flay, Bobby: Throwdown!
Fluke, Joanne:
Fortier, Anne: Juliet
Francis, Dick: Dead Cert
Franklin, Ariana: Mistress of the Art of Death
Freeman, Kimberley: Lighthouse Bay
Frey, Stephen: Arctic Fire
Fry, Jason: Star Wars: The Secret Life of Droids
Gaiman, Neil:
- Coraline
- Instructions(with Charles Vess)
Garvis Graves, Tracey: On the Island
Gater, Will:
- The Practical Astronomer (with Anton Vamplew)
- The Night Sky: Month by Month (with Giles Sparrow)
Genova, Lisa:
Gildiner, Catherine McClure: After the Falls
Gilliland, Ben: 100 People Who Made History
Giosia, Nadia: Bitchin' Kitchen: Cookin' for Trouble
Goldman, Joel:
Goldsmith, Mike: How to be a Math Genius
Goldsmith, Sheherazade: A Greener Christmas
Goolrick, Robert: A Reliable Wife
Gorden-Levitt, Joseph: The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories
Govani, Shinan: Boldface Names
Gowan, Lee: Confession
Green, George Dawes: Ravens
Green, Jane: Promises to Keep
Greenberg, Jill: Bear Portraits
Grenville, Kate: The Lieutenant
Gregory, Philippa: The Red Queen
Griffiths, Elly: The Janus Stone
Grippando, James:
Guiliano, Mireille: French Women For All Seasons
Guinn, Jeff: Manson: The Life and Times of Charles Manson
Gwin, Minrose: The Queen of Palmyra
Hannah, Sophie: A Room Swept White
Hansen, Amy Gail: The Butterfly Sister
Harman, Patricia: The Midwife of Hope River
Harris, Tessa: The Anatomist's Apprentice
Harrison, Jon: The Banks of Certain Rivers
Hart, Josephine: The Truth About Love
Harvey, Michael:
Haven, Heather: Murder is a Family Business
Hawks, Tony: Round Ireland with a Fridge
Hayes, Jonathan: A Hard Death
Haynes, Elizabeth: Into the Darkest Corner
Hearst, Dorothy:
Henderson, Susan: Up from the Blue
Hendy, Jenny: Gardening Shortcuts
Henry, Sue: Murder on the Yukon Quest
Hidalgo, Pablo: Star Wars: The Force Awakens - The Visual Dictionary
Hilderbrand, Elin:
Hill, Casey: Taboo
Hill, Lawrence:
Hoffman, Beth: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt
Hogan, Mary: The Woman in the Photo
Hollis, Lee: Death of a Kitchen Diva
Holt, Jonathan: The Abomination
Hopgood, Mei-Ling: Lucky Girl
Hornby, Nick: Juliet, Naked
Howell, Dorothy: Clutches and Curses
Howell, Jason (with Pete McMcullough): 101 Uses for an Old Sandbag...or two
Hull, Linda Joffe: Eternally 21
Hurwitz, Gregg: You're Next
Hyland, M.J.: This is How
Hyzy, Julie:
- Affairs of Steak
- Buffalo West Wing
- Fonduing Fathers
- Grace Among Thieves
- Grace Interrupted
- Grace Under Pressure
- State of the Onion
Israel, Andrea (with Nancy Garfinkel): The Recipe Club
Jacobs, Kate: Knit the Season
Jackson, Lisa:
- Tell Me (Savannah #3)
- The Night Before (Savannah #1)
Jennings, Maureen:
Johnson, Jane:
Jokinen, Tom: Curtains: Adventures of an Undertaker-in-Training
Jones, Sadie: The Uninvited Guests
Jordan, Toni: Addition
Juby, Susan:
Kallos, Stephanie: Sing Them Home
Katsu, Alma:
- The Descent Book 3
- The Reckoning Book 2
- The Taker Book 1
Kellerman, Jonathan: Mystery
Kempster, Rachel (with Meg Leder): The Secret Me Book
Kent, Rebecca: Finished Off
Kilborn, Jack: Afraid
Kleon, Austin: Newspaper Blackout
Kline, Christina Baker: Desire Lines
Kreamer, Anne: Going Grey
Krueger, William Kent: Ordinary Grace
Lagasse, Emeril: Farm to Fork
Lathrop, John: The Desert Contract
Lee, Janice Y.K.: The Piano Teacher
Lee, Jennifer 8.: The Fortune Cookie Chronicles
Lescroart, John: The Ophelia Cut
Lippman, Laura: Life Sentences
Lipton, Lauren: Mating Rituals of the North American WASP
Locke, Attica:
Lowe, Sheila: Last Writes
Lukas, Michael David: The Oracle of Stamboul
Mansell, Jill: Take a Chance on Me
Marberg, Peg: Faux Finished
Maron, Margaret: Sand Sharks
Masterman, Becky: Rage Against the Dying
McAdam, Colin: Fall
McCann, Colum: Let the Great World Spin
McComas, Mary Kay: Something About Sophie
McConkey, Jess: The Widows of Braxton Country
McCreight, Kimberly: Reconstructing Amelia
McDonnell, Adrienne: The Doctor and the Diva
McFadden, Deanna: The Work Boyfriend
McGary, Loucinda: The Wild Irish Sea
McHugh, Erin: The Little Road Trip Handbook
McKay, Ami:
McKenzie, Catherine:
McKenzie, Sophie: Close My Eyes
McKevett, G.A.: Buried in Buttercream
McLaughlin, Staci:
McWatt, Tessa: Step Closer
Meier, Leslie:
Meyers, Randy Susan: The Comfort of Lies
Michelon, Pascale: Max Your Memory
Miller, Emma: Plain Killing
Mizushima, Margaret: Killing Trail
Moloney, Susie: The Thirteen
Monninger, Joseph: Eternal on the Water
Moore, Christopher: Fool
Morgenstern, Erin: The Night Circus
Morrison, Boyd: The Ark
Morton, Kate:
Mosley, Walter: The Long Fall
Moss, Iris: Fatal Waters
Motion, Andrew: Silver: Return to Treasure Island
Mugavero, Liz: Kneading to Die
Murphy, Brian D.: See Mix Drink
Murphy, Dennis Richard: Darkness at the Stroke of Noon
Murphy, Yannick: The Call
Myers, Tamar: Estate of Mind
Nalebuff, Rachel Kauder: My Little Red Book
Needles, Dan: Wingfield's World
Newmark, Elle:
Nguyen, Bich Minh: Short Girls
Noble, Elizabeth: The Girl Next Door
Norman, Jill (Editor-in-Chief): The Cook's Book
Ogawa, Yoko: The Housekeeper and the Professor
Oliveira, Robin: My Name is Mary Sutter
Packham, Chris: The Practical Naturalist
Pagano, Joan: Strength Training: Exercises for Women
Pak, Sang: Wait Until Twilight
Palma, Félix J.:
Parker, Philip: World History (Eyewitness Companions)
Parker, Steve: The Human Body Book
Pasricha, Neil: The Book of Even More Awesome
Patel, Meera Lee:
Patmore, Frederica (with Vikki Haffenden): The Knitting Book
Pearlman, Ann: The Christmas Cookie Club
Pearse, Lesley: Stolen
Pekkanen, Sarah: The Opposite of Me
Polizzi, Nicole "Snooki": A Shore Thing
Porter, Jane: Odd Mom Out
Potter, Ellen: Slob
Powning, Beth: The Sea Captain's Wife
Pyper, Andrew: The Guardians
Quindlen, Anna: Every Last One
Rankin, Lissa (M.D.): What's Up Down There?
Remington, Robert (and Sherri Zickefoose): Runaway Devil
Riggle, Kristina: Keepsake
Ritter, Todd:
Roberts, Alice (Dr.): The Complete Human Body
Robinson, Marilynne: Home
Robinson, Peter: The Penguin Book of Crime Stories: Volume II
Rollins, James:
- The Blood Gospel (with Rebecca Cantrell)
- The Doomsday Key
- The Last Oracle
Rose, M. J.:
Rosen, Delia: One Foot in the Gravy
Rough Guide: The Rough Guide Book of Brain Training
Rowling, J.K.:
Ruditis, Paul: Star Trek: The Visual Dictionary
Ruff, Matt: The Mirage
Rumberg, Hester: Ten Degrees of Reckoning
Russell, Tony: What's that Tree?
Ryan, Annelise:
- Board Stiff (#5)
- Lucky Stiff (#4)
Sakey, Marcus: The Two Deaths of Daniel Hayes
Satterlee, Thom: The Stages
Scott, Carey: Crime Scene Detective
Shepard, Anna: Express Housekeeping
Shriver, Lionel:
Simonson, Helen: Major Pettigrew's Last Stand
Simsion, Graeme: Singh, Vivek (and others): Curry Cuisine
Slade, Michael: Red Snow
Slaughter, Karin: Fallen
Smith, Alexander McCall:
Smith, Alison: Sew: Step by Step
Smith, Karen Rose: Staged to Death
Smith, Keri: How to Be an Explorer of the World
Smith, Sherri: The Children of Witches
Spalding, Julian: The Best Art You've Never Seen
Sones, Sonya: The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus
Stanger-Ross, Ilana: Sima's Undergarments for Women
Staub, Wendy Corsi: Nine Lives
Stewart, Martha: Martha Stewart's New Pies & Tarts
Stone, Alex: Fooling Houdini
Swarup, Vikas:
Tanner, Haley: Vaclav and Lena
Tearne, Roma:
Tessaro, Kathleen: The Debutante
Thiede, Todd M.: Time Killer
Thiem, Brian: Red Line
Thomas, Julie: The Keeper of Secrets
Thompson, Ken: Compost
Thrasher, Travis: Ghostwriter
Todd, Charles: The Red Door
Tofield, Simon: Simon's Cat
Tropper, Jonathan: This is Where I Leave You
Turcotte, Gary: The Vigilante Witch Hunter
Ungaro, Alycea: Pilates Practice Companion
Unger, Lisa: Darkness, My Old Friend
Urrea, Luis Alberto: Into the Beautiful North
Verdon, John:
Viets, Elaine: Murder Unleashed
Waldman, Ayelet: Red Hook Road
Walker, Martin: The Dark Vineyard
Walker, Richard: The Incredible Pop-Up Body Book
Walls, Jeannette: The Glass Castle
Warren, Dianne: Cool Water
Watson, S.J.: Before I Go to Sleep
Webb, Katherine:
Webb, Peggy: Elvis and the Tropical Double Trouble
Wecker, Helene: The Golem and the Jinni
Weiner, Jennifer: Fly Away Home
Welford, Mark (and Stephen Wicks): Fresh Flower Arranging
Wells, Tina: Mackenzie Blue
Westlake, Donald E.: Get Real
Whinney, Heather: The Slow Cook Book
White, Kate:
Whitehouse, Lucie: The House at Midnight
Willig, Lauren: The Temptation of the Night Jasmine
Windham, Ryder:
- Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary
- Star Wars Year by Year (with Daniel Wallace and Pablo Hidalgo)
Woodward, John: How to be a Genius
Wyler, Allen:
Yu, Ovidia: Aunty Lee's Delights
Zafón, Carlos Ruiz: The Prisoner of Heaven